Purpose BagSkip Bins

When you have way too much stuff in your house but, no idea where to start decluttering

Ideas to declutter your house in one weekend

Hey there, mates! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the gear in your house and want to get it sorted in a weekend but don’t know where to start, we’ve got some ideas to help.

But before we dive in, let’s get real for a sec. Decluttering can be a tough gig, both physically and emotionally. So, if you’re thinking of tackling it in a weekend, make sure you’re ready for the challenge.

The downsides of a massive declutter weekend

We want to warn you trying to declutter your whole house in a weekend can be a recipe for disaster. Here’s why:

  • You might get rid of something you really wanted to keep (we’ve all been there, right?)
  • You won’t be addressing the root cause of your clutter problem
  • You’ll be too knackered to organize your space after decluttering

Decluttering regret

We’ve seen it happen many times – people getting rid of something, only to realize later that they really needed it. Yeah, that’s a real bummer. And when you’re trying to declutter your whole house in a weekend, you’re more likely to make mistakes like that. You’ll be in a rush, and you might not have the time or energy to think carefully about each item.

We’ve learned from our experience that it’s better to take your time when decluttering. We’ve seen people get rid of a whole box of old photos, only to realize later that they were the only copies they had. It was a real kick in the guts, let me tell you.

Not addressing the root cause

If you’re just getting rid of all your clutter in a weekend, you’re not really solving the problem. You’re just treating the symptoms. We need to take a step back and think about why you’ve got so much clutter in the first place. Is it because you’re a bit of a hoarder? Do you have trouble saying no to free stuff? Are you just not very good at organizing?

Once we understand why we’ve got clutter, we can start working on fixing the problem. And that’s where the real magic happens, mate.

No time left to organize

Decluttering is just the first step. Once we’ve gotten rid of all the gear we don’t need, we need to organize what’s left. And that takes time, If we’re trying to declutter our whole house in a weekend, we’ll be too knackered to organize anything. We’ll just end up with a bunch of empty spaces and a whole lot of chaos.

But, if you’re still keen…

If you’re dead set on decluttering in a weekend, here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Be honest with yourself about your clutter level and your emotional attachment to your gear
  • Get prepared with the right supplies and a solid plan
  • Enlist some help from friends or family members
  • Set realistic goals and use a timer to stay on track
  • Choose a decluttering method that works for you

Be honest with yourself

Before we start decluttering, we need to take some time to think about our clutter level and our emotional attachment to our gear. Be honest with yourself. Are you a bit of a hoarder? Do you have trouble getting rid of things that hold sentimental value? Knowing your weaknesses will help you prepare for the challenges ahead.

Get prepared

Decluttering can be a big job. We’ll need some supplies to get started. Here’s what we’ll need:

  • Boxes and bags for sorting and storing
  • A label maker to keep things organized
  • A trash bag or two (or ten)
  • Some snacks and drinks to keep us going
  • A playlist to keep us motivated

Make sure we’ve got all our supplies ready to go before we start decluttering. It’ll make the process a whole lot easier.

Enlist some help

Decluttering can be a big job. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Get some mates or family members to come over and lend a hand. Not only will it make the job more enjoyable, but it’ll also make it go a lot faster. Plus, having someone to chat to will make the time go by faster.

Set realistic goals

Don’t try to do too much in one weekend. Set some realistic goals for yourself. Decide which rooms you want to tackle and how much time you’ve got to devote to each one. Use a timer to keep yourself on track and make sure you’re taking breaks when you need to.

Choose a decluttering method

There are heaps of decluttering methods out there, mate. Some people like to sort things into categories, while others prefer to declutter by room. We’ll take one of these popular methods and go into some detail with the weekend declutter method.

Sort out your house this weekend

before you start…

checking what you’re up against

look, we’ve got to be honest with ourselves here. before you book that skip bin ( they do help with getting rid of a large amount of waste faster and cheaper ) , take a good look around your place:

  • if you get a bit emotional about your things, maybe start smaller
  • if you’re pretty cruisy about letting stuff go, you might manage the whole house
  • somewhere in between? you could probably sort out a few rooms

getting your gear sorted

right, once you’ve had a good think, it’s time to get prepared:

  • book a skip bin or grab some purpose bags
    • Skip bins are choice for big clear-outs, you can check out their guide on bin sizes here to ensure you get the right fit for your needs, . These durable bags are easy to set up and collect, making them perfect for projects that don’t require a full bin. Learn more about how they can simplify your next clean-out here.
    • Purpose Bag are great for smaller tasks like organizing a single room or clearing out the garage, These are flexible skip bags are an excellent alternative to traditional bins. These durable bags are easy to set up and collect, making them perfect for projects that don’t require a full bin check them out here.
    • Purpose Fill waste removal service both using the skip bins and purpose skip bags, allows most general household items, including old furniture, appliances, and general clutter. However, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with their list of accepted materials here.
    • purpose bags are perfect for sorting out a room or garage
  • While you may be eager to get rid of everything in one go, certain items are prohibited from being tossed into skip bins, such as hazardous waste, electronics, and chemicals.
    Make sure to review Purpose Fill’s guide to prohibited items here before you begin.
  • round up some essentials:
    • boxes and rubbish bags
    • markers for labelling
    • cleaning stuff (you’ll need it once the clutter’s gone)
    • snacks and drinks (trust us, you’ll get peckish)

calling in the cavalry

decluttering’s way better with mates:

  • see if your friends or whānau can lend a hand
  • bribe them with a barbie or some fish & chips after
  • give everyone a job – one person’s skip bin manager, another’s on donation duty

the big weekend

friday arvo: getting stuck in

  • start somewhere easy – maybe the kitchen bench
  • chuck obvious rubbish straight in the skip bin or purpose bag
  • get a rhythm going:
    • 45 minutes of sorting
    • 15 minute brew break
    • repeat until the rugby’s on

saturday: the main event

  • morning:
    • fuel up with a proper brekkie
    • tackle the rooms you use most
    • fill up that skip bin or those purpose bags
  • arvo:
    • sort through the trickier stuff
    • get your mate to make a donation run
    • try not to get distracted by all the cool stuff you’re finding

sunday: the home stretch

  • morning:
    • last push! check the cupboards and drawers
    • be ruthless – if you haven’t used it since last cricket season, in the skip it goes
  • arvo:
    • make sure your skip bin’s not overflowing
    • give the empty spaces a quick vacuum
    • put your feet up and admire your work

keeping it sorted

some tricks to stay clutter-free

  • one in, one out – when you buy something new, something old hits the road
  • do a quick tidy-up every arvo
  • book a skip bin or grab some purpose bags for a quarterly clear-out

when the going gets tough

feeling a bit overwhelmed? here’s what helps:

  • take a breather when you need it
  • remember why you started
  • focus on progress, not perfection
  • when in doubt, chuck it in the skip bin

common oopsies to dodge

  • trying to sell everything on Trade Me – you’ll never finish
  • getting caught up organizing before you’ve cleared the clutter
  • skipping breaks (you’re not a machine, mate)
  • letting your mate talk you into keeping their old cricket bat “just in case”

what’s next?

once you’ve filled your skip bin or purpose bags:

  • give yourself a pat on the back
  • take some photos of your tidy spaces
  • start thinking about how to keep it this way

remember, you don’t have to be perfect. even if you only sort out one room, that’s choice! you’ve made a start, and that’s what counts. keep at it, and before you know it, your place will be sweet as.

quick tip about skip bins

when you’re booking your skip bin or getting purpose bags, think about:

  • how much stuff you really need to chuck
  • where you’ll put the skip bin (your neighbors will appreciate you thinking about this)
  • making the most of the space – break down big items
  • checking what you can and can’t put in there

every little bit helps, so don’t stress if you don’t get everything sorted in one go. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your house won’t be decluttered in one either. but with a good skip bin or some purpose bags, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in a weekend!