Plasterboard Bags and Recycling 

Have you ever wondered what happens to the plasterboard waste from your building site?

Every new build in New Zealand creates at least 700 kg of plasterboard waste and a large amount of this ends up in skip bins and therefore in landfill mixed with other construction and demolition waste.

Plasterboard and Gyprock waste is 100% recyclable into reusable products including gypsum and paper. 

By separating the offcuts from plaster boards into our Plasterboard bags  we can reduce the waste of any building project, minimize cost and divert usable waste from landfill.

The plasterboard must be separated, clean and with low levels of contamination, including nails, screws, wood, steel, plastic and insulation.

Purpose Fill offers various options for plasterboard waste collection on your next project, these include disposal at our local recycling center in Hamilton, designated waste bags, truck pick-ups and skip bins.

Purpose Fill believes plasterboard recycling is not only a greener alternative to landfill but also a great way to have a more cost effective solution for your waste disposal. 

Our 2m3 Gib bags are tough enough to handle up to 1000 kg of plasterboard offcuts. Simply fill the bag with your plasterboard offcuts then call or email us to arrange a site pick up.

The full bag is then sent to a specialist recycling provider where offcuts are reprocessed for use in a of products including compost and agricultural products.


  • Building owners and the New Zealand construction industry are increasingly demanding more environmentally responsible construction processes. 
  • Landfill disposal costs are also rising as existing sites become increasingly capacity constrained. 
  • The Purpose Fill plasterboard off-cut collection service provides a simple way to reduce the amount of plasterboard off-cut waste destined for landfill. 


  • The Purpose Fill plasterboard recycling service can provide an accurate waste diversion from landfill reporting to help meet your project’s Greenstar or Homestar landfill diversion targets. 


  •   Purpose Fill Plasterboard recycling bags can be easily ordered from the Purpose Fill website
  •  When the bag is full simply call or email the Purpose Fill team to arrange the pickup
  •  Offcuts are then sent to a specialist recycling operation for sorting and processing into composting and agricultural products. 


PlasterBoard Bag

Get a quote for a dedicated plasterboard waste recovery bag, good for business, and great for the environment!

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